India is a land of vast cultural and financial diversity, and students have played a significant role in uniting the country since the independence struggle. Youth has always been the driving force of change in any society if their energy is channeled properly into constructive tasks for the betterment of the community. The National Service Scheme is a carefully planned attempt to achieve this, of which NSS Unit SVNIT is part.
NSS Unit SVNIT organises various on-campus and off-campus activities aimed at the integration of the community and generating widespread awareness about prevailing social issues. We live by our motto "Not Me But You."
NSS volunteers regulary visit nearby villages to educate them and to solve the problems they face in their daily lives. We also pay close attention to our volunteers physical and mental fittness by organising regular morning fitness routines and group discussions.
Dr. Radhakrishnan, who then headed the University Grants Commission, first realized the need for introducing social services for students at the university level. He recommended introducing national service in academic institutions to develop healthy contact between the teachers and the students and a constructive linkage between the campus and the community. Over the years, this idea was developed and implemented on 24th September 1969 as National Service Scheme (NSS) in 37 universities across India. Today, more than 40 lakh students are enrolled in NSS in more than 400 universities, 16,000 colleges, and 12,000 senior secondary schools across the country. To date, over five crore students have benefitted from this largest student-volunteers program in the world.
NSS Unit SVNIT started its journey in 2018 as a Self Financing Unit (SFU). Our volunteers worked dedicatedly for the betterment of the society. And our work was recognised by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports by upgrading us to a Government Financed Unit. We received our first funding from the government in September 2022. As of the same date, NSS Unit SVNIT had over 200 volunteers who continue to work tirelessly for social growth and environmental wellness.
Do follow us on our social media handles to know more about our work.